Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty thing I know about the Holocaust

1.Hitlers government took over another empire in eastern Europe.

2.Germany started world war II on September 1, 1939.

3.The Germans and their allies invaded the soviet union on June 22,1941.

4.On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war to the U.S.

5.On July 1943 the Germans fought against Kursk in the biggest tank battle history.

6.The Germans surrendered on May 2,1945.

7.On September 11,1944 the U.S. troops crossed into Germany.

8.Hitler committed suicide on April 30,1945.

9.On May 7,1945 the Germans surrendered.

10.When the world war II ended 55 million people died.

11.The Nazi rize to power and ended the Weimar Republic.

12.Nazi prepared Germans for war.

13.Germans tried to kill Hitler on July 20,1944.

14.The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a German surrender on May 8, 1945.

15.Antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews.

16.Some women named Hanne was born to a Jewish family in the German city of Karlsruhe.

17.Jews used the blood of Christian children for ritual purposes.

18. Millions bought Hitler's book Mein Kampf and that means My Struggle.

19.The Nazi got power on 1933.

20.Germany rote Jews are not wanted here" in 1936.

21.Ghettos were city districts when War World II was happening.

22.Some women named Paula was one of four children born to a religious Jewish.

23.The 3 type of ghettos closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.

24.They plan to murder all European Jews.

25.The German killed them one by one the ghettos.

26.The largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw ghetto.

27.Thousands of western European Jews were also deported to ghettos in the east.

28.There was 400,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square miles.

29.Germans killed Jews policemen.

30.Holocaust is a word of Greek meaning sacrifice by fire.

31.Most Jewish lived in Nazi Germany during World War II.

32.Germans were murdered in the Euthanasia Program.
33.The SS considered the killing centers top secret.

34.The largest killing center was Auschwitz Birkenau.

35.The first killing center was Chelmno.

36.The Germans required Polish people to live in ghettos.

37.They kill them in killing centers by poison gas or shooting.

38.Gas chambers are room that has poison gas to kill people.

39.Nazi Germany established about 20,000 camps.

40.Some prisoners died because of exhaustion, starvation, and exposure.

41.Prisoner uniform jacket was named Julian Noga's.

42.The Germans attacked the ghettos and then destroyed in 1941.

43. Millions of people were imprisoned and abused in the various types of Nazi camps.
44.Only little people survived in the imprisoned Nazi camps.

45.There was 6,000 Jews were gassed each day.

46.The Romas are gypsies.

47.Anne Frank had four helpers that gave her food supplies, clothing, and books.

48.When all the girls went to camp they had to shave the hair of from there head.

49.Anne Frank did her diary on each day she was hidden.

50.There is a book written by a Jewish survey in the camp.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving a problem on the streets

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

Well i was minding my own business until i herd some body eating like a cow and they were saying umm! umm! So then i saw two little children eating like they never ate before so what i first taught was should i eat them. My stomach was saying yes! yes! yes!. But the i realised that they were skinny so what i did was do you want to eat good food like, milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. They started to think about that food and they said yes yes yes yes yes. So then i put them in cages for they wont leave i gave them food all the time when they were done eating , i will give them more they ate over 20 plates of food especially i gave the a lot of turkey and chicken. Then i told my self i think there good to eat so what i first did was give them a little more food then i will eat them. So then i took out Gretel she looked that she was going to taste good but then she told me I do not know how I am to do it. How do I get in? So i told her silly goose then i crept up and into the oven. Then i feel a push and then i feel the hot fire in my face so then i started to scream and i told them i will come back for you little kids don't for get that i will be back for you guys.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adams diary

Well i didnt like her at first because she always looked at me but i didnt like that so that why i ran or i did something. But then i tried to just stay there and let her talk to me she is a type of girl that likes to talk alot and even though i was talking to her she was talking to me over and over again. Well what i always found out about her was that she loved to name things and she looked at me like i was dum or something but i never told her nothing because she always talked. But then i told her for the first time dont eat those apples i told her that because i waned to scare her and leave me alone. Then the next week she was all over me or something it was creepy but i tried to do something else.

Then i started to feel something for her like every time when i saw her i felt that i was in a spell or something. Then i started to ask her questions like out of no where like what is that why you name it like that but i dont know why. Then she told me before i passed away she told me if one of us must go first, it is my prayer that it shall be I, for he is strong, I am weak, I am not so necessary to him as he is to me. So i really felt something for her i told the sementary that when i die i want this on my tombstone wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden.

Friday, May 1, 2009


There was a Tiger that like to kick the ball real hard but then a Cat came along and the Tiger hit the ball hard and hit the Cat.

When your playing with someone smaller then you dont have to be ruff.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The outcasts of poker flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths who/what would you blame and why?

If i had someone to blame it will uncle Billy. Well i will blame him because i think he was the one that got them drunk. For he could escape with the horses also he could be the only one living from that place. Also i blame him because if he should of never taken the horses the outcasts could of ride in the horses but because he took them they had to walk. So they could of died and they did die. So for me that's who i will blame uncle Billy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The story of an hour- Well that story was good i liked it because it was funny. But at the same time it was dumb because why was the lady happy that her man died it is dumb. Then is funny because the husband comes and opens the door and the lady dies for me that was funny.They say it was because happiness but for me it was not. So that story was ok but i still liked it.

The blind man- Well the story of blind man was sad for me. Well because how they treated him like he was nobody they gave him pencils just for he would leave. Also because nobody helped him cross the street. Al so it was sad how that guy died to but all this people went to see the dead guy but they still didnt help the blind man. So thats wat i think of this story.

Desirees baby- Well i liked Desirees baby because it was a good story. But it is bogus how the guy treates his baby and his wife. But he treated them like that because he tough his wife was black. But at the end it turns out that he is black. So for me this story is really sad and bogus. But i really did like this story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.Heideggers experiment

Well what i first did was give each one of them the water. Then they asked for more but i didnt want to because they looked high and drunked. Then i started to take notes they didnt look right.Then i also took notes at the flower then the flower started to get dry so then i tought, my friends are going to get old again but then they just looked happy with them self but not the way i expected because my 3 friends were all upon Widow Wycherly. But i was glad that i didnt drink that water because i was never going to change. Well so this is my opinion and i think i wouldn't take the water to just get younger and go back to the mistakes i did.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby, the sequel

What i think that is going to happen next is that the girl and the baby went to live with the mom. But like we know Armand found the letter that says that Armand's mom was black. Well when he found out that he sold every slave and his farm and his house. Then he went on boat to Paris to find out his mom, but he remembered that his dad told him that his mom was dead. But he didn't think so because maybe that was why she didn't come to the united states because she was black. Then Armand got to the commentary he looked for his last name he didn't see it then he asked do you know a black women that was berried here, they told him no black women's are berried here. But then Armand when to his old neighborhood and he saw a old black women then he ran as fast as he could but then the black women ran up and closed the door. Then Arnold cried and cried.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? use examples from the story.

If i had a chance to be much smarter then i am right now i would not take that surgery. Well one of my reasons i wouldnt do it because i dont like to loose something just like that. Is like giving i child a toy and 2 minutes later you take it away, that is not fun thats bogus. Also whats the point if your going to be smart and then you will be dum again there is no point. So thats why i wouldnt take that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 8-the end

Family - Well the family in this story is like bad. Well i say that because they couldn't look in there eyes and say that's my son or my dad. Also family's has to stick together for ever. Well this family didn't stick together because his dad was embarrassed of Benjamin and that's not true family. So this is what i think about the family Button.

Age - Well the story about age in this story is that Benjamin goes from old to young. Well in my opionion i think that getting from a big age to a small age is a thing that is not normal. Well the age in this story is weird because instead of you going old your going young. Well that is weird and you will know exactly when your dying. So this is how age is in this story.

Beauty - Well in this story there is not alot of beuty. Well the beuty of it was that the author was really created with the story. Well there was no beuty because Benjamin father didnt like his son. Also there is no beauty of the mom of Benjamin. Well for me there is no beauty

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

He will find another girl younger Solution: He will get divorced

He will get younger Solution: He will be able to play sports

The wife will die Solution: He will get married with another women

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The curious case Benjamin Button chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say.

What should he do?

Well Roger should just take his son like he is. Well he should take him because that's his blood and he made that child and especially, he is his first child. So if people come and make fun of his child Roger should just not talk to them especially if there friends are making fun of his son then that's not Rogers real friends. Also if they think is creepy, then Roger should not accept those people. Well because family stick together especially father and son.

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 1

What whould you have done if you were Roger Button in chapter 1?

Well i will be really surprise and i will ask the nurse if thats my child like 100 times because i cant have a 70 year old baby.Then i will relax and i will just,Well what i have done was get some clothes for him and just try to think this out. Well because i know that when he actually gets bigger he would have to go to high school and collage like other little kids. So what i will done was just act like he was 1 day old not that he is 70 years old because he is my first child ever.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Basketball is my favorite sport I like to dribble down up the court three on three or two on two
When i hit that last winning shot i hear the buzzer i see the ball spinning
I hear the crowd screaming my name.
I see the ball through the rim
Then i hear the "SWISH" sound.
I hear the sheering even louder, my face had an expression of complete happiness and excitement.
Then tears come out of my eyes when they hand me the trophy

Monday, March 30, 2009


Well my mom came and woke me up it was 6:45 today was a good day i said to my self. My mom told me wake up your two little brothers, they are juan and juanita. My grandma dora was coking something real good for breakfast i smelled it all the way from my room. My stomach was growls i couldn't wait until i went to eat i woke up my brothers and i told them hurry up i want to eat already i told them. My dad ate kind of fast he said well I'm going out side and play i told him hold on i want to go he said well harry up.

So i started to eat fast my brother juan was looking at the food my sister juanita was trying to give food to the horse and my mom too my grandma dora was peeling the bread. So i told my mom I'm going to play with my dad. But then my dad told me you want to know how to ride a horse. Well i said yeah, he showed me and i went to tell my mom. Then at the end of the day i was so tired and full that i went to sleep. THE END

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1.i hate when i loose
2.i hate when people act that there good and there not
3.i hate when my mom tells me what to do over and over
4.i hate when im sleeping and they turn on the lights
5.i hate when im in bed and they jump on my bed
6.i hate when i loose in the playoffs
7.i hate when they eat with there mouth open
8.i hate when they change the channel when watching a basketball game
9.i hate when i loose money
10.i hate going laundry
11.i hate when i call little ceasers and they say hold on
12.i hate when the hot sause is not hot
13.i hate when they say i dont know
14.i hate when they snore
15.i hate when they act like another person
16.i hate when they think they know about basketball but they dont
17.i hate when a NBA player think he is better then MJ
18.i hate when they dont buy what i want
19.i hate when it rains when im playing basketball
20.i hate when my brother goes where i go
21.i hate when they slap my head
22.i hate when they want to open my drawer
23.i hate when they try to wear my new shoes
24.i hate when they bounce my new basketball in the alley
25.i hate when the ELOTERO is not there

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. Well one afternoon my friends came over my house and he told me that if I could keep a secret. First I told him yeah but what does it have to do about it and he is like you now Vincent and I'm like yea what about him he is like i killed him, i was scared I'm like for what he is like well remember that he pushed us in lunch in the trash can I'm like yeah well he was making fun about me in front of my girl so i just pulled out my gun and killed him. Then he is like can you hide the gun I'm like yeah in the dirt he is like cool thanks. 3 years passed we where juniors all ready he is like thanks man thanks for not telling nobody I'm like don't trip that's why I'm here for you OK don't worry i will always have your back until the world explodes. Then Freddy always came to me when he needed some body to talk to and we always played sports together we where like brothers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. Well i was in my vacation i was in Balsas guerrero i got a messeage they told me that i had to go to the united states back. so the next day i left and in the airplane i called my boss i asked him wat happen he told me they killed a woman they shoot her 3 times and his husband pancho 1 time but pancho is alive. I got there in there house it was a nice neighborhood it was called Buffalo,Grove it was a rich neighborhood.So first i asked Pancho did you see the men who shot her and you he just said no i said was anybody here that time he just said yeah Carlos and i said who is that the man that cuts are grass he said. Then the next day i went to Carlos is home he said hi can i help you i said yea i told him did you know that Daisy was killed he said no when i got there she was still alive i said what time you got there he said 10:30 A.M. i said what time you left he said like at 11:32 A.M. then i called the police and asked them what time was the call of the next door neighbor to report the shoots the officer said at 11:38A.M. i said ok thanks i asked Carlos if i could check his truck were all his materials of moing are he said yeah there right there i saw it then on the moing car there was a gun right there i told him why do you have a gun he said i dont know how it got there. I asked him i will be here tomorrow and if you leave Carlos i will kill you he said ok all scared about it so i already had one witness so i said lets go see Juan the neighbor of Pancho. I knocked on Juans door he said good afternoon i said good afternoon Ser i said why did you call the police station he said well because i heard 5 gun shoots 5 i replayed he said yea why i said well because Daisy just got shoot 3 times and Pancho got shoot 1 time. I went out and i saw a pistol thrown in the grass i said i need to see Daisys body i went to go see the bullets in her body they were pistol bullets and Panchos was 9mm bullets this was getting to the case when i called Pancho,Carlos,and Juan. Pancho told me have you found who killed my wife and i said not yet but i found 2 guns one on Carlos and the other one in Juans house. Pancho didnt say nothing he just said then your going to arest them or what and i said not yet he got mad and took 2 guns and started too shoot at me,Juan, and Carlos. Pancho shot Carlos in the leg and Juan in the arm and he said look David your going to die and Juan got up and said put the gun down or i will shoot you. But then Pancho said go ahead shoot me Juan try to shoot but there was no more bullets the 2 guns just had 1 bullet each so Pancho got up and got in the car and took off.
Height:5 5"
Weight: 185 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Monday, March 16, 2009


I was the happiest man alive when i saw my little boy. Well my mother told me that my son looked just like me. So i was thinking to name him like me, and like my father that passed away, David. Then he started to grow, he was already 8 months old. He started to play with the ball. When he finally turned 1 year old, he surprised everybody at his birthday party because all of the sudden he stoodup and started walking. Then I started taking David to the park so he could walk around and play with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood. Then when he turned 5 years old he told me, "Dad I want a basketball to play outside". Well my friend told me that if i was going to teach my son how to play basketball. When my son was 8 years old, I bought him a rim to start learning how to play basketball like me. When he turned10 years old he started to play with grown men but only for 5 minutes each game but he started to practice and practice for he could play more minutes in the game when he terned 13 years old he played almost the hole game and my team got to the finals my son got 13 points with 6 assists and 2 rebounds i was happy but my son is 14 years old and right now im training him to win his second championship this year 2009.....

Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Thing that Changed my Life

Well the thing that changed my life was when i started to play basketball. Well it changed when i was 3 years old thats when i first ever saw my dad play basketball then i told him i want a basketball. Then he told me ok we will go and buy it tomorrow. Well then we went to go and buy it then i played sudently my dad put. then he started to play with me. That night i told my dad one day i want to play with you in a championship.

But then when 10 years passed when i was 13 years old my dad stoped playing basketball and then i felt bad but i was happy because me and my uncles friends where in the championship and i told my dad this game is for you dad. Then my dad said good job son i wished that i was playing with you but i told him its ok you coached me right thats why i won this championship because you made me a good player. Well now im 14 years old and this year i told my dad that i will try to go to the championship this year and right now this sunday im going to play in the playoffs.

Well this is what changed my life. The thing that changed my life was m dad paying basketball. Well now, i can't stop playing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents Are/Are Not the Best Teachers

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it.Do you want your kids to have a better experiece then us?

My first reason is that our parents have more experience. For example, like if I want to know how to drive manual, my dad has a lot of experience how to drive manual so for me he is the best teacher at that. Also I want to know how to fix a car my dad will be the right man to go to because he has fix a lot of cars back in the day. Since our parents are older, they know more things than we will ever know, for example they are always going to be telling us to do better than they did when they were young. Parents will always be looking our for whats better for our futures. Do you motivate your kids?

My second reason is that our parents is our motivation.For example, when im playing basketball my dad tells me to do better every time especially when I mess up. Also when im slacking on my grades he tells me to do my best because he wants me to get far in life. Well my other example is that he tells me not to drop out of school for I can not have a bad future. Do you wan to do better in school?

My tihrd reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. For example, like if you didn’t get the math problems your parents will show you until you get it because they don’t give up on you they are all ways there for you.Well even when you are younger or old they are there for you no matter what happens because there your parents. For example your father will always be protected over what you do.So are your parents doing a good job?

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. So don’t you agree that parents are the best teachers?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well i think the skill that everyone needs is knowing mathematics. Well one reason is how to count. My second Reason is how to subtract and add. My third reason is how to estimate your bill total. Thats why you need to know math in order to be succesful in life.

Well my first reason is how to count. For example, if you need to pay your mortgage you need to know how to count in order to know how much you need to pay. Another example would be that you wont be able to be a teller in a bank if you dont know how to count.My last example would be that if you are in a store and you pay more then you had to, you wont be able to notice because you dont know how to count, which means that they would probably be stealig you're money!.If you dont know how to count then how would you know how subtract?

My second reason is how to subtract and add. For example, if you dont know how to subtract then how are you going to know how much money is the cashier going to give you back. Another example, is if you dont know how to subtract then how are you going to know how much money you have to pay for rent. My last example is if you have credit cards. You have to know how to balance your payments.

My third reason is how to estimate your bill total. For example,if you are buying stuff you will like to know like around how much you are going to pay but if you dont know math then you wont be able to do that, so maybe you will pay more then you waned to. Another example, is how to estimate how big is something. My last example is knowing how to estimate a population in a football game.So to be successful you have to know your math becuase it is going to be everywhere you go.

Well i think the skill that everyone needs is knowing mathematics. Well one reason is how to count. My second Reason is how to subtract and add. My third reason is how to estimate your bill total.So make the right choice to be successful in your life.Out in the world it is not easy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well the best day of my life was when i was going to play my first ever Basketball Championship game in 2008. Well i was really nervous my dad said concentrate take your time before you are going to shoot. Well i was going to play v.s. a grown man and i was the youngest kid in the whole league! So it was time to play they said DAVID! and i went in the court shook the other team and the refs they said well lets have a good game. Well i didnt start because they were all grown ups but then my godfather was getting tired so my dad said go in substitude so i went in my family started cheering and when they were cheering i got more confident so then some grown ups that were like about 35 years old thought that i was scared but i heard my dad said steal the ball so i went running and stoled it gave a long pass to my teamate Angel one of my dads friend and he made a easy lay-up.
Then my uncle gave me the ball and i drove it in but they fouled me so i went to the free throw line and i miss the first one but the second one i made it. Well then my uncles friend gave it to me and i went for my fast break and i made it and every body went crazy and we took the lead 42-21. Well at the end we wont 31-53 well all my family celebrated with us and my teammates drank beer except me because I was too young to drink. But then we went to my house to have a party, we ordered pizza, sodas, & beer.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The shark will eat you
Dont bleed in front of a shark
The shark is a beast

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something. Well, i smiled back and felt something in my heart. I went up to her and start a conversation.I asked for her name and how she had been all this time I haven't seen her. She was telling all of these nice things and i started to like her. Before I left , I gave her my number. She told me,"ok i will call you today ,at night". Later on at night she called me and I felt very excited. She then started telling me about how her boyfriend was treating her. Then i felt sad because i thought she didn't have a boyfriend.So i didn't know what to say to her since i wanted to ask her out that day so then i told her i had to go.She said, "ok bye".The next day, she came and asked me how was i doing and i said i was doing good but then i didn't want to talk to her. Later that night she called me but i didnt answer the phone. The next day i saw her at the park and she asked me why I didn't answer the phone. I told her that i had a basketball game that day and she told me that she called me because her boyfriend was cheating on her. Suddenly when she told me that i hugged and told her that everything was going to be okay, but if you and your man didn't work things out i am always going to be here wating for you.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things i want to do in my life time

1. play basketball in the NBA

2. win the eastern conference championship

3. be the rookie of the year

4. be the MVP of the year

5. win the NBA championship

6. win the 3 point contest in the all-star weekend

7. be the MVP of the all-star game

8. go to North Carolina University

9. go to Marquete University

10. go to Tennessee university

11. go to Duke University

12. go to Texas University

13. win a state championship

14. try touch the ten foot rim

15. have a mustang

16. have a kid

17. get merried

18. have my own house

19. give my parents a brand new truck

20. go to california with all my family

21. go to Las Vegas,Nevada

22. teach my little kid basketball

23. show my brother how to play basketball

24. go to mexico one more time with my parents

25. before i die i want to live in mexico