Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well the best day of my life was when i was going to play my first ever Basketball Championship game in 2008. Well i was really nervous my dad said concentrate take your time before you are going to shoot. Well i was going to play v.s. a grown man and i was the youngest kid in the whole league! So it was time to play they said DAVID! and i went in the court shook the other team and the refs they said well lets have a good game. Well i didnt start because they were all grown ups but then my godfather was getting tired so my dad said go in substitude so i went in my family started cheering and when they were cheering i got more confident so then some grown ups that were like about 35 years old thought that i was scared but i heard my dad said steal the ball so i went running and stoled it gave a long pass to my teamate Angel one of my dads friend and he made a easy lay-up.
Then my uncle gave me the ball and i drove it in but they fouled me so i went to the free throw line and i miss the first one but the second one i made it. Well then my uncles friend gave it to me and i went for my fast break and i made it and every body went crazy and we took the lead 42-21. Well at the end we wont 31-53 well all my family celebrated with us and my teammates drank beer except me because I was too young to drink. But then we went to my house to have a party, we ordered pizza, sodas, & beer.

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