Monday, March 30, 2009


Well my mom came and woke me up it was 6:45 today was a good day i said to my self. My mom told me wake up your two little brothers, they are juan and juanita. My grandma dora was coking something real good for breakfast i smelled it all the way from my room. My stomach was growls i couldn't wait until i went to eat i woke up my brothers and i told them hurry up i want to eat already i told them. My dad ate kind of fast he said well I'm going out side and play i told him hold on i want to go he said well harry up.

So i started to eat fast my brother juan was looking at the food my sister juanita was trying to give food to the horse and my mom too my grandma dora was peeling the bread. So i told my mom I'm going to play with my dad. But then my dad told me you want to know how to ride a horse. Well i said yeah, he showed me and i went to tell my mom. Then at the end of the day i was so tired and full that i went to sleep. THE END

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Pet Peeves

1.i hate when i loose
2.i hate when people act that there good and there not
3.i hate when my mom tells me what to do over and over
4.i hate when im sleeping and they turn on the lights
5.i hate when im in bed and they jump on my bed
6.i hate when i loose in the playoffs
7.i hate when they eat with there mouth open
8.i hate when they change the channel when watching a basketball game
9.i hate when i loose money
10.i hate going laundry
11.i hate when i call little ceasers and they say hold on
12.i hate when the hot sause is not hot
13.i hate when they say i dont know
14.i hate when they snore
15.i hate when they act like another person
16.i hate when they think they know about basketball but they dont
17.i hate when a NBA player think he is better then MJ
18.i hate when they dont buy what i want
19.i hate when it rains when im playing basketball
20.i hate when my brother goes where i go
21.i hate when they slap my head
22.i hate when they want to open my drawer
23.i hate when they try to wear my new shoes
24.i hate when they bounce my new basketball in the alley
25.i hate when the ELOTERO is not there

Monday, March 23, 2009

The Secret

It was my best friend's deepest, darkest secret and it would be a hard one to keep. Well one afternoon my friends came over my house and he told me that if I could keep a secret. First I told him yeah but what does it have to do about it and he is like you now Vincent and I'm like yea what about him he is like i killed him, i was scared I'm like for what he is like well remember that he pushed us in lunch in the trash can I'm like yeah well he was making fun about me in front of my girl so i just pulled out my gun and killed him. Then he is like can you hide the gun I'm like yeah in the dirt he is like cool thanks. 3 years passed we where juniors all ready he is like thanks man thanks for not telling nobody I'm like don't trip that's why I'm here for you OK don't worry i will always have your back until the world explodes. Then Freddy always came to me when he needed some body to talk to and we always played sports together we where like brothers.

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Her death was due to mysterious circumstances and i was assigned to the case. Well i was in my vacation i was in Balsas guerrero i got a messeage they told me that i had to go to the united states back. so the next day i left and in the airplane i called my boss i asked him wat happen he told me they killed a woman they shoot her 3 times and his husband pancho 1 time but pancho is alive. I got there in there house it was a nice neighborhood it was called Buffalo,Grove it was a rich neighborhood.So first i asked Pancho did you see the men who shot her and you he just said no i said was anybody here that time he just said yeah Carlos and i said who is that the man that cuts are grass he said. Then the next day i went to Carlos is home he said hi can i help you i said yea i told him did you know that Daisy was killed he said no when i got there she was still alive i said what time you got there he said 10:30 A.M. i said what time you left he said like at 11:32 A.M. then i called the police and asked them what time was the call of the next door neighbor to report the shoots the officer said at 11:38A.M. i said ok thanks i asked Carlos if i could check his truck were all his materials of moing are he said yeah there right there i saw it then on the moing car there was a gun right there i told him why do you have a gun he said i dont know how it got there. I asked him i will be here tomorrow and if you leave Carlos i will kill you he said ok all scared about it so i already had one witness so i said lets go see Juan the neighbor of Pancho. I knocked on Juans door he said good afternoon i said good afternoon Ser i said why did you call the police station he said well because i heard 5 gun shoots 5 i replayed he said yea why i said well because Daisy just got shoot 3 times and Pancho got shoot 1 time. I went out and i saw a pistol thrown in the grass i said i need to see Daisys body i went to go see the bullets in her body they were pistol bullets and Panchos was 9mm bullets this was getting to the case when i called Pancho,Carlos,and Juan. Pancho told me have you found who killed my wife and i said not yet but i found 2 guns one on Carlos and the other one in Juans house. Pancho didnt say nothing he just said then your going to arest them or what and i said not yet he got mad and took 2 guns and started too shoot at me,Juan, and Carlos. Pancho shot Carlos in the leg and Juan in the arm and he said look David your going to die and Juan got up and said put the gun down or i will shoot you. But then Pancho said go ahead shoot me Juan try to shoot but there was no more bullets the 2 guns just had 1 bullet each so Pancho got up and got in the car and took off.
Height:5 5"
Weight: 185 lb
Hair: Brown
Eyes: Brown

Monday, March 16, 2009


I was the happiest man alive when i saw my little boy. Well my mother told me that my son looked just like me. So i was thinking to name him like me, and like my father that passed away, David. Then he started to grow, he was already 8 months old. He started to play with the ball. When he finally turned 1 year old, he surprised everybody at his birthday party because all of the sudden he stoodup and started walking. Then I started taking David to the park so he could walk around and play with the rest of the kids in the neighborhood. Then when he turned 5 years old he told me, "Dad I want a basketball to play outside". Well my friend told me that if i was going to teach my son how to play basketball. When my son was 8 years old, I bought him a rim to start learning how to play basketball like me. When he turned10 years old he started to play with grown men but only for 5 minutes each game but he started to practice and practice for he could play more minutes in the game when he terned 13 years old he played almost the hole game and my team got to the finals my son got 13 points with 6 assists and 2 rebounds i was happy but my son is 14 years old and right now im training him to win his second championship this year 2009.....