Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Fifty thing I know about the Holocaust

1.Hitlers government took over another empire in eastern Europe.

2.Germany started world war II on September 1, 1939.

3.The Germans and their allies invaded the soviet union on June 22,1941.

4.On December 11, Germany and Italy declared war to the U.S.

5.On July 1943 the Germans fought against Kursk in the biggest tank battle history.

6.The Germans surrendered on May 2,1945.

7.On September 11,1944 the U.S. troops crossed into Germany.

8.Hitler committed suicide on April 30,1945.

9.On May 7,1945 the Germans surrendered.

10.When the world war II ended 55 million people died.

11.The Nazi rize to power and ended the Weimar Republic.

12.Nazi prepared Germans for war.

13.Germans tried to kill Hitler on July 20,1944.

14.The Allies defeated Nazi Germany and forced a German surrender on May 8, 1945.

15.Antisemitism means prejudice against or hatred of Jews.

16.Some women named Hanne was born to a Jewish family in the German city of Karlsruhe.

17.Jews used the blood of Christian children for ritual purposes.

18. Millions bought Hitler's book Mein Kampf and that means My Struggle.

19.The Nazi got power on 1933.

20.Germany rote Jews are not wanted here" in 1936.

21.Ghettos were city districts when War World II was happening.

22.Some women named Paula was one of four children born to a religious Jewish.

23.The 3 type of ghettos closed ghettos, open ghettos, and destruction ghettos.

24.They plan to murder all European Jews.

25.The German killed them one by one the ghettos.

26.The largest ghetto in Poland was the Warsaw ghetto.

27.Thousands of western European Jews were also deported to ghettos in the east.

28.There was 400,000 Jews were crowded into an area of 1.3 square miles.

29.Germans killed Jews policemen.

30.Holocaust is a word of Greek meaning sacrifice by fire.

31.Most Jewish lived in Nazi Germany during World War II.

32.Germans were murdered in the Euthanasia Program.
33.The SS considered the killing centers top secret.

34.The largest killing center was Auschwitz Birkenau.

35.The first killing center was Chelmno.

36.The Germans required Polish people to live in ghettos.

37.They kill them in killing centers by poison gas or shooting.

38.Gas chambers are room that has poison gas to kill people.

39.Nazi Germany established about 20,000 camps.

40.Some prisoners died because of exhaustion, starvation, and exposure.

41.Prisoner uniform jacket was named Julian Noga's.

42.The Germans attacked the ghettos and then destroyed in 1941.

43. Millions of people were imprisoned and abused in the various types of Nazi camps.
44.Only little people survived in the imprisoned Nazi camps.

45.There was 6,000 Jews were gassed each day.

46.The Romas are gypsies.

47.Anne Frank had four helpers that gave her food supplies, clothing, and books.

48.When all the girls went to camp they had to shave the hair of from there head.

49.Anne Frank did her diary on each day she was hidden.

50.There is a book written by a Jewish survey in the camp.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Solving a problem on the streets

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Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Hansel and Gretel

Well i was minding my own business until i herd some body eating like a cow and they were saying umm! umm! So then i saw two little children eating like they never ate before so what i first taught was should i eat them. My stomach was saying yes! yes! yes!. But the i realised that they were skinny so what i did was do you want to eat good food like, milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts. They started to think about that food and they said yes yes yes yes yes. So then i put them in cages for they wont leave i gave them food all the time when they were done eating , i will give them more they ate over 20 plates of food especially i gave the a lot of turkey and chicken. Then i told my self i think there good to eat so what i first did was give them a little more food then i will eat them. So then i took out Gretel she looked that she was going to taste good but then she told me I do not know how I am to do it. How do I get in? So i told her silly goose then i crept up and into the oven. Then i feel a push and then i feel the hot fire in my face so then i started to scream and i told them i will come back for you little kids don't for get that i will be back for you guys.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Adams diary

Well i didnt like her at first because she always looked at me but i didnt like that so that why i ran or i did something. But then i tried to just stay there and let her talk to me she is a type of girl that likes to talk alot and even though i was talking to her she was talking to me over and over again. Well what i always found out about her was that she loved to name things and she looked at me like i was dum or something but i never told her nothing because she always talked. But then i told her for the first time dont eat those apples i told her that because i waned to scare her and leave me alone. Then the next week she was all over me or something it was creepy but i tried to do something else.

Then i started to feel something for her like every time when i saw her i felt that i was in a spell or something. Then i started to ask her questions like out of no where like what is that why you name it like that but i dont know why. Then she told me before i passed away she told me if one of us must go first, it is my prayer that it shall be I, for he is strong, I am weak, I am not so necessary to him as he is to me. So i really felt something for her i told the sementary that when i die i want this on my tombstone wheresoever she was, THERE was Eden.

Friday, May 1, 2009


There was a Tiger that like to kick the ball real hard but then a Cat came along and the Tiger hit the ball hard and hit the Cat.

When your playing with someone smaller then you dont have to be ruff.