Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents Are/Are Not the Best Teachers

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it.Do you want your kids to have a better experiece then us?

My first reason is that our parents have more experience. For example, like if I want to know how to drive manual, my dad has a lot of experience how to drive manual so for me he is the best teacher at that. Also I want to know how to fix a car my dad will be the right man to go to because he has fix a lot of cars back in the day. Since our parents are older, they know more things than we will ever know, for example they are always going to be telling us to do better than they did when they were young. Parents will always be looking our for whats better for our futures. Do you motivate your kids?

My second reason is that our parents is our motivation.For example, when im playing basketball my dad tells me to do better every time especially when I mess up. Also when im slacking on my grades he tells me to do my best because he wants me to get far in life. Well my other example is that he tells me not to drop out of school for I can not have a bad future. Do you wan to do better in school?

My tihrd reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. For example, like if you didn’t get the math problems your parents will show you until you get it because they don’t give up on you they are all ways there for you.Well even when you are younger or old they are there for you no matter what happens because there your parents. For example your father will always be protected over what you do.So are your parents doing a good job?

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. So don’t you agree that parents are the best teachers?

1 comment:

  1. your essay is ok but i like it kind of
    i agrre with you 100%
    i think the same you do and
    keep up the good work
