Thursday, February 26, 2009

The Thing that Changed my Life

Well the thing that changed my life was when i started to play basketball. Well it changed when i was 3 years old thats when i first ever saw my dad play basketball then i told him i want a basketball. Then he told me ok we will go and buy it tomorrow. Well then we went to go and buy it then i played sudently my dad put. then he started to play with me. That night i told my dad one day i want to play with you in a championship.

But then when 10 years passed when i was 13 years old my dad stoped playing basketball and then i felt bad but i was happy because me and my uncles friends where in the championship and i told my dad this game is for you dad. Then my dad said good job son i wished that i was playing with you but i told him its ok you coached me right thats why i won this championship because you made me a good player. Well now im 14 years old and this year i told my dad that i will try to go to the championship this year and right now this sunday im going to play in the playoffs.

Well this is what changed my life. The thing that changed my life was m dad paying basketball. Well now, i can't stop playing.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Parents Are/Are Not the Best Teachers

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it.Do you want your kids to have a better experiece then us?

My first reason is that our parents have more experience. For example, like if I want to know how to drive manual, my dad has a lot of experience how to drive manual so for me he is the best teacher at that. Also I want to know how to fix a car my dad will be the right man to go to because he has fix a lot of cars back in the day. Since our parents are older, they know more things than we will ever know, for example they are always going to be telling us to do better than they did when they were young. Parents will always be looking our for whats better for our futures. Do you motivate your kids?

My second reason is that our parents is our motivation.For example, when im playing basketball my dad tells me to do better every time especially when I mess up. Also when im slacking on my grades he tells me to do my best because he wants me to get far in life. Well my other example is that he tells me not to drop out of school for I can not have a bad future. Do you wan to do better in school?

My tihrd reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. For example, like if you didn’t get the math problems your parents will show you until you get it because they don’t give up on you they are all ways there for you.Well even when you are younger or old they are there for you no matter what happens because there your parents. For example your father will always be protected over what you do.So are your parents doing a good job?

I do agree with the statement parents are the best teacher. My first reason is that our parents have more experience. My second reason is that our parents is our motivation. My third reason is that if you didn’t get a question on school they will explain it until you get it. So don’t you agree that parents are the best teachers?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Well i think the skill that everyone needs is knowing mathematics. Well one reason is how to count. My second Reason is how to subtract and add. My third reason is how to estimate your bill total. Thats why you need to know math in order to be succesful in life.

Well my first reason is how to count. For example, if you need to pay your mortgage you need to know how to count in order to know how much you need to pay. Another example would be that you wont be able to be a teller in a bank if you dont know how to count.My last example would be that if you are in a store and you pay more then you had to, you wont be able to notice because you dont know how to count, which means that they would probably be stealig you're money!.If you dont know how to count then how would you know how subtract?

My second reason is how to subtract and add. For example, if you dont know how to subtract then how are you going to know how much money is the cashier going to give you back. Another example, is if you dont know how to subtract then how are you going to know how much money you have to pay for rent. My last example is if you have credit cards. You have to know how to balance your payments.

My third reason is how to estimate your bill total. For example,if you are buying stuff you will like to know like around how much you are going to pay but if you dont know math then you wont be able to do that, so maybe you will pay more then you waned to. Another example, is how to estimate how big is something. My last example is knowing how to estimate a population in a football game.So to be successful you have to know your math becuase it is going to be everywhere you go.

Well i think the skill that everyone needs is knowing mathematics. Well one reason is how to count. My second Reason is how to subtract and add. My third reason is how to estimate your bill total.So make the right choice to be successful in your life.Out in the world it is not easy.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


Well the best day of my life was when i was going to play my first ever Basketball Championship game in 2008. Well i was really nervous my dad said concentrate take your time before you are going to shoot. Well i was going to play v.s. a grown man and i was the youngest kid in the whole league! So it was time to play they said DAVID! and i went in the court shook the other team and the refs they said well lets have a good game. Well i didnt start because they were all grown ups but then my godfather was getting tired so my dad said go in substitude so i went in my family started cheering and when they were cheering i got more confident so then some grown ups that were like about 35 years old thought that i was scared but i heard my dad said steal the ball so i went running and stoled it gave a long pass to my teamate Angel one of my dads friend and he made a easy lay-up.
Then my uncle gave me the ball and i drove it in but they fouled me so i went to the free throw line and i miss the first one but the second one i made it. Well then my uncles friend gave it to me and i went for my fast break and i made it and every body went crazy and we took the lead 42-21. Well at the end we wont 31-53 well all my family celebrated with us and my teammates drank beer except me because I was too young to drink. But then we went to my house to have a party, we ordered pizza, sodas, & beer.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The shark will eat you
Dont bleed in front of a shark
The shark is a beast

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Her Smile

When i looked at her smile, i knew she was up to something. Well, i smiled back and felt something in my heart. I went up to her and start a conversation.I asked for her name and how she had been all this time I haven't seen her. She was telling all of these nice things and i started to like her. Before I left , I gave her my number. She told me,"ok i will call you today ,at night". Later on at night she called me and I felt very excited. She then started telling me about how her boyfriend was treating her. Then i felt sad because i thought she didn't have a boyfriend.So i didn't know what to say to her since i wanted to ask her out that day so then i told her i had to go.She said, "ok bye".The next day, she came and asked me how was i doing and i said i was doing good but then i didn't want to talk to her. Later that night she called me but i didnt answer the phone. The next day i saw her at the park and she asked me why I didn't answer the phone. I told her that i had a basketball game that day and she told me that she called me because her boyfriend was cheating on her. Suddenly when she told me that i hugged and told her that everything was going to be okay, but if you and your man didn't work things out i am always going to be here wating for you.

Monday, February 9, 2009

25 things i want to do in my life time

1. play basketball in the NBA

2. win the eastern conference championship

3. be the rookie of the year

4. be the MVP of the year

5. win the NBA championship

6. win the 3 point contest in the all-star weekend

7. be the MVP of the all-star game

8. go to North Carolina University

9. go to Marquete University

10. go to Tennessee university

11. go to Duke University

12. go to Texas University

13. win a state championship

14. try touch the ten foot rim

15. have a mustang

16. have a kid

17. get merried

18. have my own house

19. give my parents a brand new truck

20. go to california with all my family

21. go to Las Vegas,Nevada

22. teach my little kid basketball

23. show my brother how to play basketball

24. go to mexico one more time with my parents

25. before i die i want to live in mexico