Wednesday, April 29, 2009

The outcasts of poker flat

If you had to blame someone or something for the outcasts deaths who/what would you blame and why?

If i had someone to blame it will uncle Billy. Well i will blame him because i think he was the one that got them drunk. For he could escape with the horses also he could be the only one living from that place. Also i blame him because if he should of never taken the horses the outcasts could of ride in the horses but because he took them they had to walk. So they could of died and they did die. So for me that's who i will blame uncle Billy.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Kate Chopin

The story of an hour- Well that story was good i liked it because it was funny. But at the same time it was dumb because why was the lady happy that her man died it is dumb. Then is funny because the husband comes and opens the door and the lady dies for me that was funny.They say it was because happiness but for me it was not. So that story was ok but i still liked it.

The blind man- Well the story of blind man was sad for me. Well because how they treated him like he was nobody they gave him pencils just for he would leave. Also because nobody helped him cross the street. Al so it was sad how that guy died to but all this people went to see the dead guy but they still didnt help the blind man. So thats wat i think of this story.

Desirees baby- Well i liked Desirees baby because it was a good story. But it is bogus how the guy treates his baby and his wife. But he treated them like that because he tough his wife was black. But at the end it turns out that he is black. So for me this story is really sad and bogus. But i really did like this story.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Dr.Heideggers experiment

Well what i first did was give each one of them the water. Then they asked for more but i didnt want to because they looked high and drunked. Then i started to take notes they didnt look right.Then i also took notes at the flower then the flower started to get dry so then i tought, my friends are going to get old again but then they just looked happy with them self but not the way i expected because my 3 friends were all upon Widow Wycherly. But i was glad that i didnt drink that water because i was never going to change. Well so this is my opinion and i think i wouldn't take the water to just get younger and go back to the mistakes i did.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Desiree's baby, the sequel

What i think that is going to happen next is that the girl and the baby went to live with the mom. But like we know Armand found the letter that says that Armand's mom was black. Well when he found out that he sold every slave and his farm and his house. Then he went on boat to Paris to find out his mom, but he remembered that his dad told him that his mom was dead. But he didn't think so because maybe that was why she didn't come to the united states because she was black. Then Armand got to the commentary he looked for his last name he didn't see it then he asked do you know a black women that was berried here, they told him no black women's are berried here. But then Armand when to his old neighborhood and he saw a old black women then he ran as fast as he could but then the black women ran up and closed the door. Then Arnold cried and cried.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Flowers for Algernon

If you were given a choice to have an operation that would make you much smarter, would you do it, especially if you knew the effects of the surgery would only be temporary? why or why not? use examples from the story.

If i had a chance to be much smarter then i am right now i would not take that surgery. Well one of my reasons i wouldnt do it because i dont like to loose something just like that. Is like giving i child a toy and 2 minutes later you take it away, that is not fun thats bogus. Also whats the point if your going to be smart and then you will be dum again there is no point. So thats why i wouldnt take that.

Friday, April 17, 2009

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 8-the end

Family - Well the family in this story is like bad. Well i say that because they couldn't look in there eyes and say that's my son or my dad. Also family's has to stick together for ever. Well this family didn't stick together because his dad was embarrassed of Benjamin and that's not true family. So this is what i think about the family Button.

Age - Well the story about age in this story is that Benjamin goes from old to young. Well in my opionion i think that getting from a big age to a small age is a thing that is not normal. Well the age in this story is weird because instead of you going old your going young. Well that is weird and you will know exactly when your dying. So this is how age is in this story.

Beauty - Well in this story there is not alot of beuty. Well the beuty of it was that the author was really created with the story. Well there was no beuty because Benjamin father didnt like his son. Also there is no beauty of the mom of Benjamin. Well for me there is no beauty

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 3-7

After reading chapters 3-7, predict three problems you think Benjamin will encounter and give your solution for each.

He will find another girl younger Solution: He will get divorced

He will get younger Solution: He will be able to play sports

The wife will die Solution: He will get married with another women

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

The curious case Benjamin Button chapter 2

Roger is so overly concerned with how Benjamin looks and is worried about what people are going to say.

What should he do?

Well Roger should just take his son like he is. Well he should take him because that's his blood and he made that child and especially, he is his first child. So if people come and make fun of his child Roger should just not talk to them especially if there friends are making fun of his son then that's not Rogers real friends. Also if they think is creepy, then Roger should not accept those people. Well because family stick together especially father and son.

The curious case of Benjamin Button, chapter 1

What whould you have done if you were Roger Button in chapter 1?

Well i will be really surprise and i will ask the nurse if thats my child like 100 times because i cant have a 70 year old baby.Then i will relax and i will just,Well what i have done was get some clothes for him and just try to think this out. Well because i know that when he actually gets bigger he would have to go to high school and collage like other little kids. So what i will done was just act like he was 1 day old not that he is 70 years old because he is my first child ever.

Monday, April 13, 2009


Basketball is my favorite sport I like to dribble down up the court three on three or two on two
When i hit that last winning shot i hear the buzzer i see the ball spinning
I hear the crowd screaming my name.
I see the ball through the rim
Then i hear the "SWISH" sound.
I hear the sheering even louder, my face had an expression of complete happiness and excitement.
Then tears come out of my eyes when they hand me the trophy